Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I have a crazy cat - Normie

I took these a couple of days ago of my cat. He thinks he should join me in the bathroom. I opened the door and he walked in and I walked out (leaving it open a crack). This is his response. Then I heard him jump up on something, so I opened the door and took this one.

I don't have any pictures of this, but last night I had pulled the covers down on my bed and then stepped away for a minute. When I came back in my room I could see some kitty ears hidding behind my covers. I ducked down and he sprange up and did his little hiss, hiss, spit, spit and bounced all over my bed. LOL!

1 comment:

Shanna said...

At least it isnt Luma jumping on the bed and stalking you in the bathroom! LOL! Hope you're doing well. It's fun to check up on you here.