Monday, January 3, 2011

Universal studios

Christmas morning we told Brandon that we were going to Disneyland and Universal studios. He fell over - lol. Here are pics from Universal Studios. We were so cold we ended up buying jackets and scarfs for us to wear. burr! Rich and I loved the park....Brandon not so much.

This first pic is the back lot tour we went on. hmmm seems like a dino or ape got to it first.

Here are some famous cars.

Desperate Housewives

War of the worlds
Psycho - their house

Psycho - a lovely hotel that...well I wouldn't want to stay there.

The Grinch

the Grinch
and his little dog.

a dino
the globe thingy out front.

Our ride.... Brandon did not like this ride (Rich and I loved it). We were taking a tour of the back lot and this dinosour and King Kong attacked us.We wore 3-D glasses and were knocked around in the tour bus. Poor Rich even got spit on. lol

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