Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Brandon is a Motercross boy and Jen is a tiger!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Best Week Ever!

We are proud to announce the adoption and sealing of Jennifer Kay Rich!

Jen played it cool through the whole proceedings by drinking her bottle and acting uninterested.
Brandon could hardly contain the joy of FINALLY having a little sister. Rich and I of course were a little nervous (who wouldn't be)! And my parents were there cheering us on.

My parents, us and the Judge.

The Rich's and the Judge.

On Saturday we went to the Temple to be sealed for Time and Eternity. Jen was trying to take a nap when the workers brought her to us so she was a little groggy. Instead of handing her to her mom (which is what she wanted) she had to just hold my hand! Not interested! I want my Mom!

After it was over and we were looking in the mirrors. I was holding Jen, Rich was holding Brandon and Jen had her hand on Rich's arm (so sweet)! At that point she was very interested in what was going on! All the people, the chandelier and her family.

On Sunday her daddy gave her a blessing at church and we had a luncheon after at our house. It went wonderful!

I love my eternal family.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Parade and Zoo

Last week Brandon and I walked in the children parade. We had a lot of fun but it sure was hot.

After the parade we went to the zoo. We found a lot of dinosours. Brandon and Jen had a lot of fun.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's picture time!

My two beautiful babies :)

A big Yawn from's so hard to pose for pictures.

While Jen was crying Brandon had his pics taken. Isn't he all grown up...sigh

Our little family :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

brandons b-day

I am really slow in posting this but Brandon turned 7 in February. He had his cousins sleep over and ate cake and popcorn all night. They watched movies and talked all night lol. We love you Brandon happy birthday!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We got a surprise this past weekend :) I was asked if we could foster a little girl for a couple of days and Friday morning we were asked if we wanted her forever and ever? YES!!!!!! We want her! What a silly question lol. She's two months old and cute as a button. Here are some pictures.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Disney's California 2010

Brandon just loves the movie "Cars" so we couldn't resist these pictures.

I wanted a picture with Jessie and Brandon did not.
New Toys for 2011?

My boys!

I think we were in a ladybug ride.

We ran into Jack and Sally from Nightmare before Christmas.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Universal studios

Christmas morning we told Brandon that we were going to Disneyland and Universal studios. He fell over - lol. Here are pics from Universal Studios. We were so cold we ended up buying jackets and scarfs for us to wear. burr! Rich and I loved the park....Brandon not so much.

This first pic is the back lot tour we went on. hmmm seems like a dino or ape got to it first.

Here are some famous cars.

Desperate Housewives

War of the worlds
Psycho - their house

Psycho - a lovely hotel that...well I wouldn't want to stay there.

The Grinch

the Grinch
and his little dog.

a dino
the globe thingy out front.

Our ride.... Brandon did not like this ride (Rich and I loved it). We were taking a tour of the back lot and this dinosour and King Kong attacked us.We wore 3-D glasses and were knocked around in the tour bus. Poor Rich even got spit on. lol