Monday, July 19, 2010

4th of July

For the July 4th this year we decided to go to May Family Ranch near Challis, Idaho. Since we went a day early we checked out the parade in Clayton. This is Brandon and Jayden...Brandon loves his cousins!
A float in the parade. The kids had a blast. I have never seen them move so fast to get the candy being thrown out to them.

Rich, Kayla, Jayden and Brandon enjoying the parade.

After the parade we went to the little BBQ that they have. Here Brandon is in the money pit. He came home richer than me!

Cute smiles :) They had this little train that took the kids around the town (pop. 26). They loved it.
Connor enjoying his train ride.

Kayla in the back!

Lezlie's car got a flat tire while we were driving to Bayhorse Lake. Rich helped Steve fix the flat while we took two of the four kids on a walk. As they were walking they kept collecting rocks. Why? I don't know. I guess I did when I was little too! Anyway here they are balancing their rocks on their heads.

Bayhorse Lake.
Playing horseshoes with the cousins.

Going down the water slide.

Panning for gold!

Awwww! Jayden loves Brandon too!

Brandon's first fish, he caught it all by himself. The next day he caught three more. I am so proud of him - my little fisherman.

Getting ready for the river rafting.

Today they were just playing in the boat.

More panning for gold. It wasn't really gold it was fools gold.

Getting ready to fish!

One of my favorites!

The Pickle Place for lunch then home. Lots of watering and cleaning. Tons of laundry and then back to work! We had a lot of fun and Brandon wants to go back but this time stay in a cabin like Connor and Jayden lol. We will see.