Friday, February 29, 2008

White House

I decided that I needed to work on my scrapbook today. Wow!!! I have five months to catch up on. I know, I know! Your saying "that's better than me," but it's a lot of pictures. The first ones that I need to add are when we went to the White House West Wing last October. Here we are in front of the White House. We couldn't take any pictures inside but were allowed to take as many outside pictures we wanted.
This is the Rose Garden out back.
The press room.
Future reporter!
And the White House. Well, that's all I'm going to blog today. Like I said, I need to get my scrap book up to date.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ice Skating

A couple of weeks ago we decided to take Brandon Ice skating. He loves going to the hockey games so I thought - why not? He loved it!!! He grabbed a hold of me and wouldn't let go for anything. Then, he decided that he could do it all by himself.
My cousins were skating with us and Brandon loved chasing after them. He loved falling and laying on the ice (he was in a snow suit) getting up and then falling down again. We went again a week later and he skated for about 30 min or so and then he fell and landed on his nose. He was done then for the day. Our friends bought him a used pair of skates for his birthday so now I need to sign him up for lessons.

He askes every day if he can go back and skate again.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Reading to Norman

Brandon loves to read, a couple of days ago I found him sitting next to Norman (our cat) reading to him. I dashed to my room to grab my camera and as I started taking pictures Norman bolted.

Brandon didn't mind though, he just kept reading to himself.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Birthday Boy

Opening presents on his birthday

More presents

At Nemo on Ice


Vice Pres Dick Cheney

Yesterday we went to the Vice Presidents house for a BBQ. It was really nice. They feed us hambergers and hotdogs with salads. Here is a pic of Rich with the VP.
Melinda Doolittle sang for us in the Library. At the end she gave everyone a signed picture.

Vice Pres introducing Steve Wariner

Steve Wariner singing to us in the Library. At the end he gave everyone a CD "Steve Wariner This Real Life"
The staff then gave everyone a compass. Brandon thinks his is a clock. lol

School party

On Tuesday his school let him celebrate his birthday. Here they are making him a cake.

Mt Vernon

On Pres Day we went to Mount Vernon (it was free :) I guess the rest of the state decided to go there too, because it was very busy! Here is a picture of the house.

This is a carriage out in the stables.

Martha is buried on the left and George is on the right. The two live ones in front are mine.

Enjoying the day!

Sleeping Bag

Heres Brandon trying out his present from Grandma and Papa.

Nemo on Ice

Last week for Brandons birthday we went to see Nemo on Ice. Brandon had a blast. I have never seen him so interested in a show before. He loves to go to the hockey games but for this he sat still and watched the whole show. He didn't even want to use the rest room during intermission because he was afraid that he would miss some of the show.